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Optical fiber dissolving fat Ou Siping


fleshy face girl tranforms to pretty vline face Faerie

Ousiping    sales    age 20
       Ousiping is a smart and slim girl. But the fleshy fat on her face reduces her beauty.  In order to get rid of the flashy fat which makes her face like a piece of bread, she came to guangzhou for help. After commnunication with doctors, she decided to have  Optical fiber dissolving fat. After transformation, now she is quite a vline face faerie. 
Optical fiber dissolving fat



:fleshy fat on face


Optical fiber dissolving fat


Ousiping's face is very of thick fat, and optical fiber can remove the excess fat

1、face to face communication
       In order to have exquisite little face, ousiping comes to hanfei medical cosmetology and talks with doctors about her surgery scheme. 

face to face talking
2、Physical exam
After communication with doctors, she has the physical exam to guarantee the safty. 

physical exam
Implant 200um-1200um fiber under subcutaneous fat layer to irridiate equally.  Dissolve the fat cells equably to fat liquid by Plasmalaser TM. Freeze the tiny blood vessels and reactivate the Collagen.  Through human body's metabolism or outside pressure to suck out the liquid fat cell to achieve the goal of body face countouring. 

under operation
after operation effect:

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