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Single eyelid+out of spirit eyes


Single eyelid+out of spirit eyes 

Qiu Jingqiong  Hanfei worker  Age 23 

  Qiu Jingqiong has an exquisite face, but her eyes is too small, she is envious of others large eyes, so she went to Hanfei changing her eyes shape


  Before and after 


  Symptom:Single eyelid、out of spirit eyes 

  Beauty scheme:Double eyelids surgery 

  After change transformation:eyes larger, double eyelid, natural and beautiful 


  1. Consulting before surgery 

  For becoming more beautiful, Qiu went to Hanfei changing her appearence, Hanfei doctor checked her eye characteristic, put forward suggestion and designed double eyelid surgery scheme 

 Designing scheme

  2. Physical examination 

  After well-known the surgery scheme, nurse help Qiu do physical examination, each person need to do physical examination before surgery for ensuring safety 

  Physical examination 

  3. Designing the eyes surgery line 

  After going into operation room, doctor help Qiu design surgery line for performing surgery correctly 

 Marking the surgery line 

  4. In operation 

  Hanfei doctors help Qiu disinfect and inject anesthesia before surgery , the surgery goes in well 

  In operation 

  Before and after 


  After surgery photo :


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