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Double eyelid plasty + canthus plasty


Double eyelid plasty + canthus plasty 

Xiao Qiong    Nurse     Age 22 

  Xiao Qiong is a nurse, she feels inferiority among beauties, especially the single eyelids look out of spirit,  for being more beautiful, she went to Hanfei changing her appearence,doing eyes plasty surgery in Hanfei plastic surgery hospital,  she won the champion title of Hanfei 4th super beauty eyes competition after transformation. 


  Before and after 


  Symptom:Single eyelid、ptosis

  Beauty scheme:Double eyelid plasty+canthus plasty 

  After surgery change:eyes bigger 、light and sparkle eyes 


  1. Analysing eyes situation and customzing scheme

  Hanfei doctor help Xiao Qiong analysize face contouring, her eyes is single eyelid and ptosis, so her eyes look smaller, the dozed eyes out of spirit, doctor helps her analysing eyes situation and designing beauty scheme

  Designing eye surgery scheme

  2. Physical examination before surgery 

  After designing eye plasty surgery scheme, nurse help Qiong do physical examination for ensuring safety during surgery 

  Nurse help her draw blood 

  3. Marking the surgery line before surgery 

  After doing physical examination well,  Xiong Qiong going into operation room, doctor communicate with her surgery details, and mark the surgery line for performing surgery correctly  

  Designing the eyes surgery line 

  4. Disinfecting and applying anesthesia 

  Before surgery, doctors her Xiong Qiong disinfect and apply anesthesia for avoiding safety and infection 


  5. In operation 

  After preparing well, doctors perform surgery carefully accoding customzed scheme 

  In operation 


  Before and after 


  After surgery photo :

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