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Brave transformation of cosmetologist


Brave transformation of cosmetologist 

Chen Baoyi  cosmetologist  Age 18 

  Chen Baoyi is a single eyelid girl, she envies others large eyes, as a cosmetologist, there are many beautiful girls around her , for changing her appearence, she decides to do eyes plasty 


 Before and after 


  Symptom:single eyelid、sparkless eyes

  Beauty scheme:Korean style double eyelid 

  After changing effect:light and sparkle 


  1 Customizing scheme before surgery 

  Chen Baoyi went to Hanfei plastic surgery hospital consulting double eyelids scheme, doctor analysing her situation and advising her improve with korean style double eyelids, designing double eyelid surgery scheme for best effect 

  designing double eyelid scheme before surgery 

  2 Physical examination 

  For ensuring surgery safety , nurse help her draw blood and measure blood pressure 

 physical examination 

  3 Marking the surgery line before surgery 

  Doctor help her customize personal scheme according her face contouring 

  Marking the surgery line 

  4 Disinfecting before surgery 

  For ensuring surgery safety and avoiding infection, nurse help her disinfect face before surgery 

  Disinfecting before surgery 

  5 Performing korean style double surgery 

  Doctor perform the surgery carefully according customized scheme 

  In operation 

  After surgery distinct effect :



 Before and after 


  After surgery selfie photo:

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