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Angla——Comprehensive eye plasty


Angla——Comprehensive eye plasty 

Angla   white collar  Age 28  

  Symptom:Double eyelid、ptosis、eyes dissymmetry

  Beauty scheme:Double eyelids+ canthus plasty + ptosis  

  Postoperative Change:eyes bigger, bright and sparkle, eyes symmetry 

  Doctor review:Angla eyes is single eyelid, ptosis and dissymmetry, the doctor help her customize blepharoplasty according her eye symptom 



  Angla eyes is dissymmetry, single eyelid and ptosis, so she looks older than her actual age. at that time, Hanfei hold activity, so she goes to Hanfei attending the activity, luckily, she got the opportunity to beautify herself for free 

  before the surgery, nurse help her draw blood, measure blood pressure, each person need to do physical examination before surgery  



  After doing physical examination, Angla goes to operation room with nurse, doctor communicate surgery detail with her, marking the line for perform surgery correctly 



  Doctors and nurses help Angla perform the surgery, after disinfecting and applying anesthesia, Angla not feel pain during surgery



  About 1 hours, the eye plasty surgery finished, nurse help her compress ice to eyes for postoperative care 



  After surgery one month, she become more beautiful and energetic 

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