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Is the effect of thigh liposuction good


Is the effect of thigh liposuction good
As is known, thigh liposuction can effectively remove excess fat, giving the legs and hips a more proportioned contour. Stubborn “saddlebags” and fat that causes the inner thighs to rub against each other are among the most common aesthetic concerns. This fat can even lead to chafing, which can make normal exercise uncomfortable. Luckily, thigh liposuction might just be the answer to these woes.

Ideal candidates

The good news is that the thighs respond better to liposuction than some other areas of the body. The fat in the thigh has two layers, versus three in the back and trunk. This makes it ideal for liposuction.

Women tend to seek thigh liposuction more often than men. This is because female hormones cause fat to deposit around the pelvis, buttocks, and thighs, whereas men tend to store excess fat in the abdominal region. Thigh liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss procedure, and is most effective for people who are close to their ideal body weight.

The best candidates for thigh liposuction are in good general health — people with poor blood circulation, diabetes, or weakened immune systems should not undergo the procedure.

Thigh liposuction is also more successful on patients whose skin shows sufficient elasticity to take on the thigh’s new contours post-procedure, without appearing loose or crepey.

The procedure: inner, outer, and frontal thigh liposuction

While leg liposuction is performed in much the same way as liposuction on other parts of the body, those who undergo thigh liposuction often have different goals than patients interested in liposuction of the knees and ankles.

Thigh liposuction patients are generally interested in volume and cellulite reduction while knee and ankle liposuction patients are usually looking for smaller targeted areas of reduction.

Additionally, thigh liposuction is frequently combined with some form of non-invasive treatment like laser or ultrasound. This provides skin tightening and cellulite reduction benefits which cannot be achieved through liposuction alone.

Before coming up with a liposuction treatment plan, a plastic surgeon will assess the leg and thigh area “circumferentially” — that is, as a cylindrical structure to be viewed as a whole.

Liposuction of the leg for women should wrap around the leg to decrease circumference and maintain shape without masculinizing or flattening it. The legs are a difficult area for liposuction, but it’s very commonly requested. Circumferential treatment and staying in an intermediate plane with small cannulas helps avoid contour irregularities.

After examining the area as a whole, a plastic surgeon can determine which areas of the leg will benefit from liposuction. The procedure may be performed on either the inner and outer areas of the thighs, or a combination of the two. It can also be combined with liposuction of other body areas. Liposuction on frontal areas of the thighs is generally avoided as it can result in contour irregularities.

Local anesthesia is administered to minimize trauma, bleeding, and discomfort. General anesthesia may also be used, depending on the needs of the patient.

Tiny incisions are then performed in the treatment area. The surgeon inserts a thin cannula (tube), and breaks up the excess fat by moving the tube back and forth. The fat is then suctioned out with a vacuum or syringe.

Inner thigh liposuction

Most women interested in the procedure are seeking to achieve thinner thighs that do not touch one another. In such cases, liposuction generally addresses the entire length of the inner thigh. This ensures a consistent, well-proportioned, and natural-looking shape throughout the area.

Outer thigh liposuction

When excess fat develops on the outer thighs — also known as “saddlebags” — the thighs make the legs look short and disproportionate as a whole. By performing outer thigh liposuction, a plastic surgeon can eliminate this effect, restoring a proportionate contoured appearance.

Frontal thigh liposuction

The front of the thighs are not treated as often as the inner and outer thighs. In fact, many surgeons refuse to perform liposuction of the anterior thighs altogether. Liposuction in this area can easily produce irregularities of the skin, and often results in unsatisfied patients.

However, in some cases, a plastic surgeon may choose to perform frontal thigh liposuction in order to maintain balance with the rest of the thigh and leg. The front thigh has a different density of fat, and should be suctioned in the deeper plane to avoid contour irregularity.

Recovery and results

The decision of which areas of the thigh and leg will be liposuctioned depends on the individual needs and desires of the patient, as well as observations by the surgeon.
Generally, the areas of the leg most commonly treated with liposuction are the lateral and medial thighs, inner knees, calves, and ankles.

Thigh liposuction is often combined with liposuction of other body areas. Thighs are commonly liposuctioned with the hips and flanks to improve the shape of the waist and buttock, as well as the knee region to improve the shape of the lower thigh. The fat can also be harvested and injected in the buttock to improve its shape and projection.

When performing liposuction on multiple areas, it is very important to limit the amount of fat and fluid removed at one time, especially when performing the procedure in an outpatient setting. It is said that large volume liposuction is possible, but may require overnight monitoring in the hospital.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Patients can begin doing some cardio exercise about three weeks postoperatively, but will need to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and bruising.

Just like with any body contouring procedure, the result of thigh liposuction can be immediately noticeable as the liposuction has removed a considerable number of fat cells in the thighs and legs. But to achieve a consistent optimal result, diet and exercise shall be maintained after the procedure for the remaining fat cells can expand themselves destroying the good effect once patients do not follow an ideal diet and exercise. 

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