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The advantage and risk of autologous fat breast augmentation


Benefits of Breast Fat Transfer

You will experience the following benefits when you choose the Breast Fat Transfer procedure:

Aftercare and Recovery

After your procedure you will have some bruising around the injection sites. There will be some swelling and it might last as long as 2 weeks. Most patients resume all of their routine activities within 5 days. As the swelling subsides, you and your friends will begin to notice rejuvenation. Many patients are so excited with their results that they elect to have other areas treated in subsequent sessions. Patients can choose the area to be treated first and come back for more treatment in other areas at a later date.


There is no risk of an allergic reaction since it is your own fat. Fat transferred to the breasts can provide genuine aesthetic improvement to the breasts without the presence of surgical scars or that “done look.”

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