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how long to recvoer well after facelift ?


Aftercare and Recovery

Because a Full Facelift is considered to be an outpatient procedure, patients can begin the recovery process in the comfort of their own home the same day as surgery. After the procedure, a loose fitting dressing is applied. Typically, there is little to no discomfort after surgery; however, if pain is present it can easily be controlled with over-the-counter medication. Discoloration and bruising is a normal part of the recovery process and generally fades away within seven days. To help the recovery process, Doctor suggests that patients do the following:

  • Keep the head elevated as much as possible
  • Avoid taking aspirin or non steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Avoid strenuous activities for 2 to 3 weeks
  • Be gentle with facial and hair care due to tenderness
  • Camouflage makeup can be worn to cover bruising
  • Keep scheduled follow-up appointments after surgery

Any question, free consult us 
Wechat: Hf19926002942
Guangzhou Hanfei Plastic Surgery Hospital