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Body Contouring / Liposuction / Arm Liposuction

arms liposuction in Guangzhou China

About fat accumulation of arm
For arm fat, both the fat under the skin and epidermis must be removed for better appereance. The Fat on arm and back will be sucked in order to give the well balanced result on general body line. 

Fly to Guangzhou to have Arm Liposuction at a lower cost and better effect.  It takes only 30 minutes by metro from airport to our hospital.  And we have free car picking service at the metro station.  
Enquiry for more details about liposuction in Guangzhou China. 


hanfei arms liposuction before & after
Hanfei Before & After Photos of Arm LiposuctionHanfei Before & After Photos of Arm Liposuction

After arm liposuction,when can I go to work?

what is hanfei two-layer firming arms liposuction
arms lipo

arms liposuction duration , amount of fat and incision site

arms, waist, abdomen,thighs

how long does it take to recover?

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgery that makes small incisions of 0.2~0.3cm in hidden areas to melt and suck fat. It operates a thorough suction to remove the maximum amount of fat and create a beautiful, slim body. It especially removes thin layers of fat and fat cells around the body for a visible and definite size reduction as well as creating a slimmer body line without recurrence.
Hanfei Two-Layer Firming Liposuction, is an procedure used to remove two layers of fat, deep layer for body contouring, shallow layer for firming


Hanfei Medical Cosmetology Guarantees you
Three-star medical services
In 2009, the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China promulgated the Catalogue of Classified Management of Medical Cosmetology for liposuction surgery. It has clearly defined the volume of fat suction for hospitals of different levels.

Is arm liposuction safe?

facial filler

face lift

breast augmentation

butt lift

How much is fat transfer?

benefits  and advantages of hanfei two-layer liposuction

Free Consultation

Benefits and Advantages
of Hanfei Two-Layer Firming Liposuction

Precision diagnostic instruments

Definite reduction effect with surgery plans for each body parts. We plan a dimensional surgery for an ideal body contouring in Hanfei through In-body check to collect accurate data of your body and to analyze the body composition.

Minimal incision, no visible scars

Minimizing tissue damage that has reduced bruises, pain, and swelling. And 
Minimal incisions on hidden areas No need to worry about visible scars

Medical safety and Hanfei Professional Medical Team

Guangzhou Hanfei Medical Cosmetology's professional doctors and dedicated anesthesiologists, with imported liposuction equipment and safe and sterile operating room, provide you a tailored shaped body from the rich clinical experience, accurately analyze and human aesthetic knowledge.

Postoperative care of Hanfei Two-Layer Firming Liposuction
• It is advised to have some rest on the surgery day and not do any heavy movement or labor.
• 1-3 days after surgery there might be some liquid coming out of the surgical area and bruising and swelling can last few days after surgery.
• Corrective garment must be put on the next day of surgery or after the dressing is removed.
• Shower should be done 7days after surgery so that the wound can heal quickly and properly. When the shower is done, please avoid rubbing the surgical area so hard of too much water pressure on the surgical area.
• Drinking and smoking should be prohibited for 4weeks after surgery.
• Heavy exercise such as working out at gym should be avoided 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Any questions about liposuction? please feel free to Enquiry Us!

Hanfei medical cosmetology offers service such as facelift, breast implants,rhinoplasty, fat transplants, liposuction,  abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty for customer world wide